Σύντομη Περιγραφή

Chrysovalantis-Rafael is a 15-year-old young man, who had been fighting cancer for the last 2 years, since he had been diagnosed with diffuse large B cell lymphoma, a rare form ofcancer in his chest. After a long-term hospitalization in a Pediatric Oncology Clinic inThessaloniki, he managed to beat his cancer. However, there were some tumor-relatedcomplications that rendered him unable to walk or move his arm. Till this day, the youngman remains confined to a wheelchair. Valantis requires a custom-made leg orthosis for hisright leg, in order to get back on his feet and manage to walk again. The cost of thisorthopedic device amounts to 762 euros.Together, we can offer Chrysovalantis-Rafael a chance to walk!

Valantis is in need of a leg orthosis so that he can get back on his feet!

από Steve Tsomp

  • 762,00 

  • 762,00 

  • Target Goal

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Steve Tsomp

97 Εκστρατείες | 0 Loved campaigns

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Πληροφορίες Εκστρατείας

Chrysovalantis-Rafael is a 15-year-old boy from the city of Katerini. 2 years ago, the young man was diagnosed with diffuse large B cell lymphoma, a rare form of cancer in his chest. After some tumor-related complications, he developed a subdural hematoma, which led him to the ICU for 1.5 month. The medical staff fought hard in order to keep him alive. Since his condition was stabilized, he was transferred to a Pediatric Oncology Clinic in Thessaloniki. After fighting this uneven battle for 15 months, he was finally discharged. His recent tests look very promising and the doctors feel optimistic regarding his prognosis. However, the subdural hematoma that he had developed, caused severe mobility issues for this young man, who is now confined to a bed, unable to walk or move his arm. Valantis is being currently subjected to an intensive physiotherapy program so that he can get back on his feet. However, it’s imperative that he wears a custom-made leg orthosis that will help him stand and eventually walk. For the last two years, his family has been struggling in order to provide him with the best possible care. However, they cannot possibly afford the purchase of this orthopedic device, which costs 762 euros. Let us all offer a helping hand so that Rafael will acquire the leg orthosis he so desperately needs in order to get back on his feet and walk again!


  • 30-02-2022

    Together, we have managed to provide Valantis with a leg orthosis that will help him get back on his feet!

    Thanks to your immediate response, we have gathered on time, the required amount of money in order to provide Valantis with a leg orthosis, which will be custom made for his right leg by a specialized orthopedic store. This orthopedic device will help him carry on with his physiotherapy treatments, so that one day he’ll be able to walk again!
    On behalf of Valantis’ family, we would like to kindly thank you for your defining contribution! This young man has managed to fight a rare form of cancer, without ever losing his courage and strength. We wish him a speedy recovery!


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